Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Doodle of the Week

Part one of the Master's Series: The Thinker.

I have been asked what inspired me to turn my prodigious talents to aping the masters, and why I started with this particular subject as a first installment: The answers are clearly boredom, and that this was easy to draw.


Thany said...

Note the delacate curve of the lines-an effect only achived with a Bic Medium Point Blue Pen.

ac the oblong said...

I briefly considered using a Bic Gel or something else more modern, but my artistic integrity will not allow me to use anything but a classic for the Master's series. It seemed only fitting that I use the same pen that Leonardo Da Vinci used to write his Code.

Anfällig Unfall said...

Post it on E-bay.
That could be priceless.
It could easily pay for M's flight to visit you.