Tuesday, June 17, 2008

St. Peter's Basilica

Michelle and I visited St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City today. We wandered around taking in all the statues and reliefs until we reached overload. All of these works of art tell a story, and present a moral, from which we can learn and grow. One of these masterpieces that stuck with me is shown in the picture to follow. It shows a man, a skull, and a chubby wingéd child holding a miter. I struggled to understand the scene, until a kind man in a cleric's collar translated the Latin inscription for me:

Seest thou this skull? Upon them that toucheth my hat cometh swift vengeance. And take thou thy grubby hands off of my staff.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

I'm glad you're having fun and getting so much culture out of your visit. As usual, you've extended my life with your insightful comments! I look to you for my daily laugh!! Love you, Mom