Sunday, June 01, 2008

What I did today

Got up, went to work on the bus, worked all day, skipped lunch, came home on the bus, skipped dinner.

Wandered about Köln for a good long while this evening, walking approximately 8.04672 kilometers. While I was out, I ran into Freitag coming out of a head shop/tattoo parlor. That explains the smell in my room and his new "Liebe deine Käse" tattoo.

Now he insists that I refer to him as the Dude.

Finished out the evening (well, except for this post) talking to Michelle on the webcam. Of course, the internet access in this hotel is so slow that it was like talking over a very bad connection whilst simultaneously watching a slideshow of very low resolution images. But it worked, and it's better than nothing.

Here's what I see each night before I head off to bed. Well, she doesn't wear the same clothes every day, although she does remain a Packers fan. At this moment, frozen here in time, she is pondering my very poignant comment with respect to certain properties of Weißspargel, and is trying to think of an appropriate and witty rejoinder.


Thany said...

Is Michelle not wearing any pants?

ac the oblong said...

That was part of the treat for me.