Monday, June 16, 2008

We arrive in Rome

So, we have arrived in Rome, a trip that involved Michelle's first visit to a two star hotel (at the airport in Frankfurt, which was actually very nice), and her discovery of gelato, which she has found that she prefers to, well, everything else on earth. That may be an exaggeration, but only by a little. She told me that she would like to lay around in the hotel all day, and just go out for gelato. So the pictures that you see in the future on this site may be downloaded from the internet.

Here's a picture that Michelle took from one of the old Roman bridges that was built back in 200-something AD. We're looking northwest toward Vatican City.

By the way, apparently Tom Hanks is here in Rome now, filming the movie Angels and Demons. And since he's been banned from filming in any Rome churches, we at least know where he is not.


jaime said...

we really are sisters! Yummm, gelato... Did you finish A&D yet? Dd you both enjoy the book? How fun that it's being filmed there right now!! FUN!

The Happy Glad Creek Gang said...

Does the gelato taste like the ice cream we had in Marburg? I'd like to know if the Italians there make the a different recipe than the ones here. We're glad to hear that you are safe and enjoying yourselves. Hope you see Tom Hanks!

ac the oblong said...

The gelato is pretty close to what we had in Marburg, although it is fun to have gelato actually in Italy.